Student FAQ

1.  How much does it cost to become a student member?

$40.00 for the duration of your program. Information on student membership will be shared with you in your first year of study.

Once you graduate from your program you will not be required to make another application fee for Active membership because the initial $40.00 that you paid as a student covers this.

2.  What are the benefits to becoming a student member?

    • You'll receive a subscription to the Food Service and Nutrition magazine (4 publications a year).
    • Reduced student rates for conference registration fees.
    • The opportunity to apply for a $1500.00 CSNM National Scholarship (3 scholarships are awarded each year).
    • Opportunity to see what is happening in the profession from one end of the country to the other and network with other students and members at our events.

3.  How do I apply to become a CSNM Student member?

You can apply online in the membership area of the CSNM website.

4.  What information do I need to include with my application?

    • Your school name and location
    • Your anticipated graduation date
    • Mailing and e-mail address
    • $40.00 non refundable application fee

5.  How soon will I know if my application is accepted?

You will be advised within 1-2 weeks of submitting your application.


6.  Once I become a student member what can I do to ensure I get the benefits of being a member of CSNM?

      • Routinely access the website for updates and valuable links that could be of use to you in your assignments.
      • Access the e-newsletters and read the magazines on timely topics that could assist you with classroom assignments or as a resource for additional information.
      • Discuss with your classmates and instructors articles and other information that you have accessed from the various sources.
      • If you have a change in address to notify the Main Office so your mail outs are not interrupted.
      • If you are in your last half of your program, be sure to apply for the CSNM National bursary for an opportunity to win $1500.  

7.  If I have any further questions who can I contact?

You can contact the CSNM National Office:
Phone Toll Free: 1-866-355-2766
Fax: 1-416-441-0591